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Why Is It Called The Pier?


min read

We often talk about “bridging the gap.” The work of connecting the lonely, wounded children across our state with the families who can help them heal. This is beautiful, yet hard work and it requires more than just foster families to give these kids hope.  

Many people play many parts in this mission. Recruiters help find more families. Educators help equip these parents so they are prepared to care for a child with trauma. Families fight on the front lines by caring for these children and do everything they can to help them heal.  

And then there’s you! You are part of The Pier, which is aptly named after the crucial piece of a bridge that extends to the ground and bears the weight of the superstructure above. You are the foundation for this mission.  

As a member of The Pier, you help sustain the very mission of Child Bridge by shouldering the financial weight that keeps us going. Your monthly gift makes it possible to recruit more families, equip more families and provide loving homes for more and more children. You make sure there’s a family waiting for every child who needs one.  

And so, we say thank you. Thank you from the children who are healing from abuse and neglect. Thank you from the families who are learning the skills they need to help these children heal. Thank you from your team here at Child Bridge. Your generosity sustains us, and your courage inspires us to keep fighting this devastating yet beautiful fight.

The Pier takes a stand on behalf of the powerless children who so desperately need their help. You choose to see the unseen and act in obedience to God’s calling. We could not do the challenging, daily work set before us without your support.

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Be a voice for these innocent children by reading their stories and then sharing them with your friends via text or social media.

Another great read