Fonts, sizing and usage should work to communicate clearly with the reader, making for an easy reading experience. Consistent use will aid in brand recognition in a subtle way.
Our brand font family is Montserrat. We use Montserrat for web, email, and promotional print.
Montserrat Usage
in the Dark
Garamond Pro
Garamond Pro is our typeface for legibility for an older demographic. Never use it less than 14pt.
Garamond Pro Usage
Fave is our accent typeface.
Fave Usage

Web headline treatments
Primary Treatment
We use the horizontal linear gradient here. When used on white, shift the gradient so that the yellow is legible.
Secondary Treatment
The color block should have equal padding on all sides. The word is knocked out to show the background color.
Print, Apparel & Digital text treatments
Primary Treatment
We use the shifted outline is for legibility and mainly used on print. The outline is shifted 2x left and 1x up.
Secondary Treatment
The color block sits at half the height of the word and has equal padding on the bottom and sides of the word. This style is not used for headlines but used in some promo kits or social media to emphasize certain words.
Secondary Treatment
This style is used for print and apparel.
Secondary Treatment
This style is used for print and apparel.